Enjoying the Last Weeks of Summer

Published Date: 08/16/2021

As we head into the last weeks of summer, it is a good time to think about how to make the most of the time that remains. Kids will be going back to school soon, but there is still a little time to plan fun summer activities for the family. Even if the kids have already gone back to school, summer is not over yet since it does not end officially until September 22. As autumn approaches, the days get shorter, and there will be fewer hours of daylight to spend outside. So it is beneficial to take advantage of the longer days and sunny weather by getting up earlier. Setting the alarm clock for an earlier wake-up time during the last few weeks of summer is also helpful for preparing kids for the school year. Waking kids up earlier helps them adjust to being alert in the morning and will make the first week of school much easier for them. Planning some end-of-summer activities for the kids to do in the morning helps motivate them and makes waking up earlier more fun.

Following are some of the best ideas for making the most of the last days of summer.

1) Plan a family outing at the park. Parks are a summer delight. Taking the kids to the park is a great way to enjoy the outdoors as a family. Bring some barbeque supplies, a picnic basket, or just a few snacks and relax and enjoy the sights. There are also plenty of activities that families can do together at the park. Whether hiking, biking, or playing sports, being active together as a family is part of a healthy lifestyle. If it is a windy day, bring some kites for the kids to fly. Bonus points if you can find a park you have never visited to make the day more of an adventure.

2) Go to a farmer's market. There are multiple benefits to going to a farmer’s market at the end of summer. Shopping for produce at a farmer's market gives the family a way to enjoy the warm weather by providing an activity to do outside. Since some fruits go out of season after summer, it is also an ideal time to make sure you get your fill of fresh ripe strawberries. Another option is to go to a local farm where the family can soak up the sun while picking fruit together. 

3) Take the kids out for ice cream. There is nothing more refreshing than yummy ice cream on a hot day. A family trip to the ice cream shop is a special treat and an easy way to reward the kids. If you would prefer to enjoy cold treats at home, consider making popsicles with the kids for a fun way to keep them entertained and hydrated.

4) Enjoy water activities. You can talk about enjoying summer without mentioning water activities. Getting wet on a hot day is one of the great pleasures of summer. If you have a pool in your backyard, you have probably already been swimming in it all summer. A trip to a nearby ocean or lake is a must for families who do not have a swimming pool. Or maybe there is a river where the family can go canoeing together. Alternatively, set up some kid-friendly sprinklers on the lawn for the kids to play in. Kids love to run through the sprinklers!

5) Go on a camping trip. Going camping is a perfect way to make memories together at the end of summer. Camping trips are a fun adventure for the whole family since there are lots of exciting activities to do outdoors. In the evening, families can enjoy barbecuing and roasting marshmallows while watching the sunset. Camping also provides an opportunity to view the night sky and look for summer constellations.