Back to School Tips for Parents

Published Date: 08/06/2021

Going back to school can evoke a range of emotions in young children. Some kids may be excited and happy, while others are nervous or anxious. There are several things parents can do to reduce stress and help ease children into the adjustment of going to school. If your child is just starting preschool or kindergarten, it is a significant milestone. Since young children are completely unaware of what school entails, they need extra support from parents. They may have separation anxiety during the first week of school, and preparing them beforehand can help reduce the emotional burden. Reinforce their coping skills and remind them to communicate with you if they are having any problems. Walk them through what the routine is going to be like to help manage their expectations. Consider reading them a book about going to school to help them visualize what the experience will be like. It is also a good idea to visit the school with your child before the first day if possible. Taking your child to see the classroom or building and playground can make them feel more comfortable on the first day. If you are unable to visit before the start of the school year, plan on arriving a little early on the first day with your child. Adjusting to a new environment and routine is a process that gets easier over time. 

When transitioning from summer to the school year, the change in routine can be a challenge for kids at any age. Talking with your child about going back to school is a beneficial way to prepare and help them adapt. If a child is worried or upset about going back to school, remind them of all the positive aspects to help to redirect their focus. Encourage them to try and enjoy the learning experiences they have in the classroom. Talk to them about why school is necessary and how learning can be fun. Let them know that their teacher is there to help them if they are having difficulties. Emphasize the importance of getting along with others and making new friends. It is important to ask children how they are feeling and encourage an open dialogue during the first week and throughout the school year. Asking children how they feel about their classes, teachers, and friends at school gives them an outlet to release any stressors. It also strengthens the parent-child bond.

Another way to ease the transition of going back to school is to start changing the daily routine a week or two ahead of time. Since the summertime days are usually unstructured, it can be difficult for kids to adjust to a routine again. Building in some structure ahead of time will reduce anxiety and make the first week of school easier. Getting enough sleep is essential for staying focused in the classroom. If your children have a later bedtime during the summer, starting the change to an earlier time before the first week of school can make it easier to adjust. Taking kids shopping for back-to-school items is another way to help them prepare. Buying a few new back-to-school outfits for kids to wear gives them something to look forward to for the first week. If your children wear a uniform to school, allowing them to choose their backpack, lunch box, or snacks can help them get excited. Many schools provide parents with a list of school supplies to purchase. If you do not have a list, the most essential back to school supplies for elementary school children are as follows:


Lunchbox or bags

#2 Pencils


Pencil case or bag




Glue sticks

Blunt-tipped scissors

Hand sanitizer

Packet of tissues