Monitoring Online Content and Recommendations for Safe Online Spaces

Published Date: 12/07/2021

With thousands of websites and apps easily accessible online, monitoring online content and internet usage is important for parents. Monitoring the content that kids view is essential for ensuring it is age-appropriate and not harmful in any way. Parents should also oversee online activity since kids are often unable to determine whether a website or app is trustworthy. In addition, parents should be aware of how their children are interacting with others online to make sure they are safe while participating in chat rooms and community forums. 

There are multiple ways that parents can monitor their child’s online activity. Start by setting up iOS or Android profiles for your kids on their devices. Setting up a profile enables parents to manage privacy settings and restrict the apps and games they can download. It also allows parents to control the websites kids can visit. Other tools for monitoring content and activity are also available, such as software that provides parents with a report of their children’s browsing history and time spent online. 

Parents should check the description of apps to find out what age level they are intended for before downloading them to devices. Apps and video games are rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The rating system includes three categories with kid-friendly designations for different age ranges. Although kids must be at least 13 years old to sign up for most social media accounts, parents should check to make sure young children do not have the apps on their devices. 


Make sure to discuss online safety with kids. Talk to them about the risk of sharing personal information and the dangers of having conversations with strangers. Encourage them to communicate if they experience cyberbullying or anything that makes them uncomfortable. Be sure they understand that they should not share their location or address with anyone on the Internet. Parents of young children can also restrict usage to a device located in a shared space in the home so they can be present to see what kids are doing.

It is best for parents to guide young children to use specific websites that are safe, such as online libraries and reputable websites. Here are some of the most popular recommendations for safe online spaces:


Epic is a digital library with a collection of more than 40,000 popular books for kids 12 and younger. It provides customized, age-appropriate recommendations and enables kids to track their reading progress. The library also includes a video collection.


Offerings from PBSKids include a website and multiple apps for young children. The content offered includes numerous videos and games with cartoons and characters that children love. 

National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids offers a wide range of content for kids. Kids can play games, watch videos, and learn about a variety of subjects. The website also offers homework help with how-to guides.


Khanacademy is an educational website and app for students of all ages. It features short video lessons with an extensive selection of subjects. Practice exercises, supplementary materials, and progress tracking are also available.