Time for Homework

Published Date: 09/14/2021

Homework is an essential part of the learning experience for kids. Teachers assign homework to help students increase their retention of the lessons and concepts taught in the classroom. Doing schoolwork at home helps children learn a sense of responsibility and duty. Over time, completing daily assignments at home motivates kids to take ownership of their education. To make things easier, parents can help their children develop good study time habits while they are young. It is never too early to teach school-age kids basic time management and organization skills. Learning these types of skills helps make completing school work easier for children. Time management is particularly important since spending too many hours on homework means less time for play and other activities. 

In addition to healthy homework habits, it is necessary to help kids find a balance with time for decompressing, play, and other activities. Children need ample playtime for the development of social, emotional, and cognitive abilities. Participation in extracurricular activities after school provides a range of benefits for kids. In addition to improving physical fitness, after-school playtime and sports help to build confidence in children. They provide opportunities for active learning that engages children’s interests. Extracurricular activities also provide an environment for kids to learn about teamwork and social skills. Children learn to collaborate and listen to each other while playing. Playing with other children also provides an opportunity to learn how to express their feelings and opinions. They figure out how to compromise and get along with others. They gain experience in problem-solving and decision-making.

Following are several ways that parents can help children manage their schoolwork and ensure there is enough time for other activities.

1)  Create a routine. Responsibilities are easier for kids to manage when parents provide structure and make their expectations clear. Parents can help their children by creating a routine time for completing schoolwork. Designating a specific time for homework ensures that children know what to expect. After a few weeks of sticking to a regular schedule, children will typically take the initiative and start working on their assignments each day without needing to be reminded. 

2)  Designate a homework space. Find a quiet place and make sure the television and mobile devices are turned off. Teaching kids to stay focused and on task helps them retain the information and complete their work more efficiently. Minimizing distractions as much as possible also helps ensure that the work will be completed in a reasonable amount of time.

3)  Stay organized. Staying organized saves time when completing schoolwork. Spending time looking around the house for supplies or a missing assignment causes frustration and subtracts from playtime. Parents should show kids how to organize their backpacks, schoolwork, and supplies. Also, keep some extra essential school supplies easily accessible each day in the homework area. 

4)  Plan ahead. Planning ahead is necessary for balancing school projects or special assignments with other activities. Marking homework assignments on a calendar with your kids is helpful for keeping track of when they are due. Posting the calendar near the study space serves as a reminder to complete the work on time. If your children are participating in activities at school, mark those times on the calendar as well. Using a calendar at home also helps kids learn how to plan for the future!